Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Time has not dimmed the crazed interest in Moon Lee

Time has not dimmed the crazed interest in Moon Lee


Twenty-five years after the start of Moon Lee’s history-making “incestuous” sexual misconduct and scandal, the silly blog that I built and occasionally visit for comic relief still gets nearly a thousand visits each month.  This relentless interest has nothing to do with my writings; instead, it is a pure reflection of how this pretty Chinese idol of years past still captures the interest of her fans both young and old.  Of course, the dramatic and rare nature of her sexual transgression added fuel to the fire, never to be put out by the tincture of time.


My biggest comic relief is derived from reading the rare comments from readers, both pro and con.  Of course, those that sympathized with my recollection of truth and facts impacts me very little --- I knew what the facts were, and I was never concerned about who was on “my” side.  It takes a lot of crazy and wildly disparate opinions to make up our world.  But for the few that wrote and blamed Moon’s misconduct on my sexual transgression, they have the right to make idiotic statements but they have surely lost their way. 


Prior to my sudden and shocking discovery of her perverse betrayal, I believed I had married the prettiest girl in Hong Kong films who at all times acted like an affectionate and doting wife.  Life then seemed too fulfilling for a smart guy like me to be looking for a “side-kick” girlfriend of any caliber.  But once her idiotic 2 year-long sexual misconduct was discovered, all bets were off because she spent the next four years trying to rob me of my inherited wealth.  The divorce took over four years to finalize even though the process was based on “no-fault laws”.  Moon Lee took years to tell the lie that I made up the scandal to get advantages in the divorce settlement – a seemingly believable story to Chinese fans, but it is implausible to any sensible American.  In the end, Moon got almost nothing in the final divorce decree, not because she betrayed her marriage spectacularly, but because we as a married couple earned little money producing dance musicals as non-profit ventures for the express purpose of cultural exchange.  During those years, I gathered a large amount of tax deductions because of my cultural contribution to humanity.  During the entire ordeal, there was no incentive or motive for me to tell a big and crazy 'lie" about Moon Lee!


I write occasionally about history past not to continue to hurt her feelings, as some would believe.  My wife and I are not seeking revenge either.  Our life after Moon Lee has been so fulfilling and happy that we are almost sinfully thankful for her transgression that led us coming together.  So, any comments that I may commit to “paper” and to cyberspace are purely for the purpose of “keeping the record straight”.  Even if all this shall be read by only a tiny few, leaving a record of truth is cathartic for me.  And of someone hates me for doing it, so be it.  


In my book, Two Faces of the Moon, is available for very little money online.  All occurrences therein are one hundred percent factual.  If anyone chooses to dispute facts, the problem is theirs alone.


Dennis Law MD

February 2024




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