Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Moon Lee – the matter of her sexual appetite

The Chinese language blogs persistent claims that my “old” declarations during the stormy divorce about Moon Lee’s insatiable sexual desire as the cause of her nonsensical affair have contributed to ruining her image.  (Just for the interest of non-Chinese readers: in Chinese culture, it is curious that an appetite for sex is considered a highly undesirable trait for an ethical woman.  That is plain old tragedy, isn’t it!)   However, the first sentence is emphatically wrong on many counts.

I am writing these comments only for the English language blog because I do not care what Chinese readers think.  Most of them are mindless gossip addicts anyway.  The truth is that the Chinese media during the divorce grossly and intentionally misquoted me for a dramatic and “juicy” effect in print.  I specifically declined to answer their questions about Moon’s sexual appetite – only on one occasion did I take the humorous route and asked the reporter to make her own “estimate” about Moon’s appetite and prowess in the sexual arena.  The rest is now history --- countless essays have been written about me attributing her sexual scandal to her insatiable sexual desire.

Even if she did have an enhanced sexual desire per se, that does not make her a bad woman.  The fact is that irrespective of the heights of her sexual appetite, normal or abnormal, it is how she chose to use it on an idiotic man-child that is worthy of debate.

Let the truth be declared now by Moon’s ex-husband:  Moon Lee’s sex drive had nothing to do with her perverse sexual affair.  I know it as a fact deep down by knowing her well for years, both intimately and otherwise.  More importantly for all readers, it is important to know that Moon Lee repeatedly declared to me her affection and admiration for this unworthy specimen of a young man.  Moon openly admitted to me that it was not a sexual matter; it was matter of love that she could not control.  Yet she claimed that even if it was for love, it was love that she could not fully understand and rationalize.  It was scandalous behavior that progressively and incessantly sent her life to hell without any control.

Moon Lee could not have stopped her scandalous journey even though she was aware of the cost.  And for me, the marital relationship seemed so perfect, sexually, romantically and otherwise that it was not possible for me to feel that the relationship had gone terribly astray.  Moon Lee had become the ultimate actress and demon all combined as one.  It still makes me shudder when I think about those weird years of my life.

Dennis Law MD