Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Moon Lee --- Conspiracy with Lu Yu and Phoenix TV

I will use this English language blog to highlight differences between Chinese and western cultures from now on.  I will not use it to re-litigate Moon Lee’s self-inflicted scandal unless she chooses to publicize herself ort lie about her innocence openly in the future.

The outstanding issue that remains is my defamation lawsuit against Phoenix television.  The foregone conclusion is that I will have my day in Chinese court in Beijing.  What is unknown is whether Phoenix TV chooses to show up to defend itself.  Either way, the purpose of my lawsuit and the resultant verdict and judicial decision (right or wrong by western standards is irrelevant) will be aggressively publicized.   This gets the truth and its associated fairness out in the public domain more and more.  And advocating the truth is always the right thing!

In America, the right of free speech does not allow defamation, according to the law.  Herein lies the truth behind western law:  Anyone can publicly declare one’s opinion, but the public disclosure cannot contain known lies.  In other words, during Moon Lee’s interview with Lu Yu in her popular TV program, if Moon had said that in her opinion, her ex-husband looks like a pig or that she suspects me to be a closet homosexual, then that would be her opinion and right of free speech.  On the other hand, if she had claimed that I had been in jail, and that was factually incorrect, then she would be guilty of defamation; and Phoenix TV becomes an intentional co-conspirator by knowingly letting her make defaming statements.

Phoenix TV deserves to be sued over this.  My time and money would be spent in a worthwhile fashion to allow China and its courts to assess its position regarding defamation of any citizen.  It leads to public debate and discourse, allowing Chinese society to argue the points relating to media fairness.  Chinese citizens are used to media companies acting as an outlet for political propaganda.  That is different from whether media should take sides unfairly in a debate of private consequences.

Lu Yu has been a television celebrity for many years.  I have been told and it is my opinion as a western physician that she likely suffers (or suffered) from a medical condition (an actual neurosis) that is called Anorexia Nervosa.  Patients with that psychiatric disorder starve themselves to incredible thinness because they falsely think they are fat.  My medical opinion is that Lu Yu either has Anorexia Nervosa or she has a debilitating illness causing muscle wasting in order to look the way she does.  Medically speaking, I do NOT believe the latter.  So my medical opinion is that this TV celebrity may suffer now or in the past with Anorexia Nervosa.  Therefore, a prominent television media outlet working in China may have allowed a neurotic celebrity host to conspire with my lying ex-wife to defame my name, my reputation and damage my professional and personal image in the Chinese market.  It may be a case of the mad working with the even more mad to bring havoc and betray the truth.  This is “nuts”!

Lu Yu and Phoenix television deserves whatever publicity their defamation will bring upon them.  Whatever the judicial verdict, citizens properly interested in this subject matter should get the chance to debate all aspects of the issue.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Moon Lee – making peace with silence?

There has been no sina.com Chinese blog essay by Moon Lee for more than six weeks – a new record!  Is her unprecedented silence a sign that she wants to make peace by surrendering her campaign both for notoriety and for her pretentious innocence?  Or is she getting smarter now --- less noise means less shame?  Maybe she was lucky enough to find a new lover-boy who advises her the better part of valor is to shutup.

If so, we will gladly cease our war of words with her.  This long battle of essays between Moon Lee’s Chinese language sina.com blog and my English language Google blog was born from my wife Alyssa’s righteous anger over Moon’s lies and innuendos.  Moon, the silly actress had always blamed Alyssa for her solely owned scandalous extra-marital affair with an under-aged minor student, an employee and also an “adoptive” son.  Moon Lee’s actions alone have made her famous, and deservedly so.  No other Chinese celebrity’s scandalous behavior can ever compare with Moon’s in shock value and stupidity.  Her sexual misconduct mixed an incestuous quality with workplace sexual assault on a minor.  In America, the courts have punished many for a lot less; schoolteachers have been jailed for sex with students and countless employers have been punished for sexual assault on employees.

Despite owning the undeniable facts and circumstance of the case, Moon Lee’s repeated public declarations blaming my present wife and me for her divorce is totally reprehensible and despicable.  For years, we have chosen to challenge her misguided attitude in her Chinese web essays by responding and countering her using an English blog site.  We have ignored the ignorant Chinese language fans and preferred to challenge Moon in English on a Google blog.  Our presumption was that the English language readers interested in this subject would be more worthy --- a notion that is yet to be proven.  Nevertheless, it has been mindlessly fun and naughty to challenge Moon’s misdirection tactics so far.  It provided my wife a sense that we are enforcing some justice; and of course provided needed comic relief.

So if Moon stops her campaign of words in her Chinese blog and in other Chinese formats, we will stop our challenge and our counter to her using Google blog.  However, that does not end our lawsuit against Phoenix TV for providing cover for Moon Lee’s defaming interview in January of 2017.  It takes time and patience to sue a Hong Kong media company working in China.  Phoenix TV was wrong to willfully give Moon Lee a platform for defamation.  Their delay tactic just lengthens the pain, and the legal decision will be the same.

I also cannot control third parties for making any commentary on her self-inflicted scandal in the future.  Personal conduct so stunning will inherently lead to endless debate and future revelations.  Moon Lee’s shame will have no end and she has no one to blame except for herself.  The destruction started when Moon bared her body and soul to that unworthy idiotic kid in 2004 --- and since then, her world has never stopped crashing down.

If Moon chooses obscurity by stopping her campaign of silly essays online and rare interviews, it will end this cyber battle of opinions between us.  There will be less cyber gossip about this infamous but truthful “Closet Affair”.  And for Alyssa and I, we have enjoyed repeating the truth for the “record”– for whatever that is worth and for whoever would care!  That is all that matters now, for my family, my wife and I are happy and at peace with what transpired so long ago.

It can never be wrong to reveal the facts to those who seek the truth!