Thursday, December 29, 2016

Moon Lee - No End to Shame

As long as Moon wants to fuel her notoriety via her Chinese blog, we will continue the comic relief of keeping her incestuous sex scandal alive.  The only reason she acts and writes like an amateur tourist guide is because she needs to maintain some sick celebrity status for some obscure reason.  After all, what reasonable readers would care about her amateurish cooking, incidental travels, and attendances at the theater. 

My family and I enjoy laughing at her pitiful escapades.  Moon flaunts her whereabouts but never exposes anything more meaningful about her life and lifestyle.  Does she just want to teach her fans about subjects close and dear to her heart?  But what does one teach without any recognizable expertise?  Who cares about casual musings from a washed-out Hong Kong actress of the eighties? 

She has been successful in keeping alive all the recurring blog essays about her scandalous incestuous affair with a useless teenage boy.  She is forever famous for the destructive and perverse sexual scandal that is now her legacy and trademark.  And the more she continues to maintain awareness of her personage, the more the juicy sexual misconduct stays in the forefront.  Let this be a challenge: she stops writing her silly blog essays, and I will stop making commentary.

I, for one, do not mind one way or another.  Her gross sexual misconduct was hers to own completely.  Moon Lee’s actions were totally her fault and she compounded her disgrace by trying to rob my family’s trust funds (unsuccessfully).  The latter was her greater sin.  I cannot change the history of her making.  And if I am relegated to have my name and my father’s name dragged down in her mud pool forever anyway, so be it.  I will gladly oblige by making commentary on her as long as she enjoys this idiotic limelight.  Having gotten rid of her, my life is now so much better than ever before.  It is amazing how transformational banishing the devil in your life can be!

If Moon loves notoriety, let’s give it to her.  Even a vain devil does not deserve to look like this:  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your post. You are a good man. It would be better/nicer if you showed me the full uncut picture of Moon so I can fully see what you are talking about 😉
