Monday, October 26, 2020

Defamation Lawsuit Squashed by Chinese Court


Several years after its filing, our defamation lawsuit against Phoenix TV was squashed by the Chinese Court in Beijing.  The Court essentially refused to litigate whether Phoenix TV was right or wrong in allowing Moon Lee to tell obvious lies on television.  They dodged the issue as expected because it is common place for Chinese courts to protect everything Chinese!  I was an outsider, and Phoenix TV is a Chinese-authorized media outlet.

But my original purpose was satisfied.  I never sued for monetary damaged; only asked for an apology.  Even without getting one that I did not really expect, the suit served to keep alive the narrative of Moon Lee’s idiotic sex scandal.  

In many ways, my wife and I feel no sadness or pleasure running into matters related to Moon Lee.  She did the craziest thing, but it could not have led to a much better result for me.  We do not have to make efforts to “make her pay”; there is no need for any sort of revenge.  She cannot possibly be doing well (at least compared to us), and it is all her own doing.  Neither of us can or should look back.  

The Moon Lee story should set a meaningful example of how one should be clear-headed about love and romance.  There are far too many traps and temptations that can send one to a living hell without means to return.  Buyers beware!