Saturday, September 3, 2016

Moon Lee – from pretty starlet to loveless matron

At Moon Lee’s prime and during the three good years of our relationship and marriage, she was always well groomed and conscious of her appearance.  Even the housekeeper would comment on Moon’s habit of seldom leaving her bedroom without being totally coiffured.  She knew many admired her looks, but most of all, she probably admired herself.  Moon also loved to pose and look good in photographs.  That is why I had, and still have, a giant library of them.  Since her divorce, her evolving tendency to allow photos into her own blog showing varying levels of being disheveled and unfashionable is quite surprising.  It makes me rather curious about her present frame of mind.  Is she trying to portray that she is practical and down-to-earth and freed from the vanity of the past?  From the pretty girl I used to know and once loved, she is downright and consistently matronly.  It is just more than aging.  She is not ugly but any glamor, freshness or sensuality is lost and she looks like everyone’s semi-attractive housekeeper or nanny.  It has been an amazing transformation.  There is nothing more to admire, physically and professionally.

With her son now in college (my guess in Canada) and away from her side, Moon is relegated to her travels as she amateurishly delve into her hobby of performance and theatrical art.  Over the last several years, she religiously writes for her China blog.  Yet she has never hinted at any worthy personal relationships of any kind, male or female.  Maybe she has been hesitant to drag girlfriends into her sewer of scandals, and of course, I always doubted that she would ever attract a worthwhile beau.  What man with any financial means will gamble on her?  It is remarkable how a handful sexual rendezvous with an unworthy object of one’s affection can turn one’s life totally upside down.

Of course, Moon’s transgression went way beyond her illicit sex with a minor.  It was one thing to betray her husband’s love, it was quite another to try to rob him as well.  Despite her idiotic sexual mistake, she would have escaped the scandal a lot better if she had accepted my generous offer to leave the marriage quietly.  Yet, she was determined to fight unethically for part of my family’s wealth before she took her leave.  So she ended up losing on all counts, and after a long fight, cried pathetically in the courtroom after the verdict was pronounced without hesitation by the judge.  The long judicial battle kept stirring up her pot of mud, and she was still left empty-handed.

So maybe life’s turmoil at this high level leaves an unyielding scar.  Maybe a scandal in life so spectacular can never be forgotten.  And maybe a sexual desire once so perverse will never allow one to love again or be loved.

Whatever the reason, a once pretty angel of love now looks like a middle-aged matron that only her son can love.  So good luck, because that is all she has left.       

Note: From the following photos, only an idiot cannot tell what is before and after!ccc    

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