If it had occurred over a hundred years ago in China, Moon Lee could have been drowned in a pig’s cage as punishment for her mindless affair. A graphic artist employee of mine made this image up for me as a joking gift years ago --- depicting Moon in a cage surrounded by water with the words “Drowning Phoenix in Cage” (Moon’s Chinese name includes the word for phoenix). Everyone had a good laugh at Moon Lee’s expense.
Of course, Moon Lee was much luckier, having been born in 1965. Instead of a fate involving a tortuous drowning, American society in the twenty-first century deals with divorce in a “No Fault” fashion. As such, it does not matter how egregious the sexual misconduct was that lead to the divorce. The terms of the divorce have no relationship to fault. That is why it was comically stupid that some in the Chinese media actually believed Moon’s lies that I made up the story of her incestuous secret love affair with an unworthy kid barely old enough not to be a minor. Of course, no self-deprecating lie was necessary. My assets were well protected by carefully constructed Trusts so that they could not be accessed in any kind of a divorce. That alone was the reason why Moon Lee got very little during that protracted divorce. The reasons she still tried (albeit unsuccessful) made her even a bigger villain than her original sin. That is the backbone to my truthful account of the real story of the divorce. I had absolutely no reason to insult myself with a lie to get rid of this villainous woman.
Moon Lee undeserved celebrity status also gave her advantages --- she had a “megaphone” with reporters to tell lies, lies that would never have passed scrutiny if she were just a normal woman. That was why years after the fact, she was given that one-sided interview by Phoenix TV --- an interview that Phoenix TV admitted in writing to the Court that they were not intentionally defaming me because they never had any intent to portray the truth. Phoenix TV just wanted sensational gossip for viewership. So that was a “relief”!
So in the Old World, a straying wife could be drowned in China. In modern China, however, a deviant sexually promiscuous wife can be even glorified by the media and given opportunities to lie more about her victimized ex-husband.
I wonder whether we are living in more enlightened times!
Dennis Law MD