Sunday, April 21, 2019

Defamation lawsuit against Moon Lee’s lies still alive and well

Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) had its China division in Shanghai interview Moon Lee a couple of years ago and offered her a nearly two hour opportunity to lie and defame me despite her well established history-making sexual misconduct.  My lawyers soon launched a defamation lawsuit against Phoenix TV for broadcasting the program because it knowing allowed one party in a famous dispute to lie against the other without the opportunity of presenting the other truthful side of the story.  The suit was against the TV station rather than Moon Lee because she has no financial means to pay meaningfully for damages anyway, and I agreed with my lawyers that nationally important media must be taught a valuable lesson.

My understanding is that a delay in the court battle was brought about by Phoenix TV unwillingness to admit and accept the legal “service” of notification of the lawsuit.   But I was assured by my legal counsel that it will only be a matter of time --- they have made adjustments that sooner or later, the whole disgraceful episode of bizarre sexual transgression will be re-lived again by Moon Lee.  It reincarnation of the wicked story was not my choice of course; it was Moon’s choice to lie again in such a public format that prompted this kind of response.  For no sinner has the right to lie and put blame on the innocent.

My life has been going so well since the divorce from Moon Lee that it has no effect on me to have to re-live Moon Lee’s betrayal so many years ago.  I see from her online representations that she is still drifting around acting as a non-professional tour guide and travel critic.  As for me, my wife now is the envy of all and my daughter is attending one of the most prestigious institutes of technology in the United States.  I have made a gigantic bequest to a major university to establish an institute of arts and technology to honor my parents’ name --- so I am still producing musical theater of the most unusual kind.  And I am in charge of a number of big businesses involving commercial real estate, vacation travel and other hospitality businesses.  The latter allows me to own many magnificent villas in ocean resorts of Mexico and many ranches in Colorado and New Mexico.

So life has been good after the silliness of Moon Lee.  Rather than hating her for her infamous betrayal, I am often humored by the great potential afforded me by my new life without her.  Even if I were to wish her well, it would not amount to anything for nothing will change the emotional burden on her for committing this unbelievable and shocking sexual misconduct of this generation.  It has all along been her cross to bear!

Dennis Law MD