Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Moon Lee Scandal Never Dies

The last commercial movie that Moon Lee acted in was probably before 1997 or thereabouts, yet her notoriety continues unabated even today.  So many years after her screen presence, one must assume that her “fame” was sustained only by her incredible and perverse sexual misconduct that although, started in 2004, the disastrous effect continued for countless years afterwards. 

Weekly, Chinese cyberspace continues to bring back stories of her unexplainable sexual escapade.  Attached here is a photo from another recent internet re-telling of the infamous scandal that brought down one of the darlings of Hong Kong kungfu films.  The factual story seems to me as being very old indeed and yet it maintains unrelenting fascination.  However, I am most baffled by the undying interest in a subject so mundane regarding a personality that should be long forgotten.  After all, since the scandal, Moon Lee had not done anything interesting or impactful by any measure.

Partly, Moon Lee should bear some responsibility.  Instead of allowing her old “celebrity” status to slip away quietly, she keeps feeding her Chinese online awareness by writing useless essays on her blog.  Of course, none of this adds any wisdom or useful information for the world.  It only fuels continued interest by cyberspace fans most of whom are rather senseless and have way more free time than they deserve.

Since this scandalized over-the-hill celebrity is desirous of continued publicity, I would volunteer to “fuel the fire” by offering some older (before the scandal) and newer (after the scandal) photos of Moon Lee for all to “enjoy”.  What a dramatic change in her life!  Let interested readers guess what is what.

One day in the future, if Moon Lee decides to go lower profile and gives up flaunting herself, then I would willingly stop helping her propaganda.  When cyberspace media forgets her, we will both live in more peace.

Dennis Law MD