Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Moon Lee – the destruction of a “rags to riches” fairytale

I recently called Dr. Law to pick his brain further with regard to his life story.  Good natured as usual, he volunteered to put on paper some of his remembrances and regrets.  What follows is the edited version of what he sent me.

Even now, knowing what had transpired to drastically change my life, I would be untruthful to say that I regretted knowing and marrying Moon Lee.  For the first four years of our relationship, from courtship through to 2004, she was very much the “angel” depicted by many of her movie persona.  Having grown up under harsh financial conditions, she made it on her own through talent and hard work.  During the initial two and a half years of marriage, she was indeed the perfect wife, mother and companion.  The reason for the free fall to hell after she met the legendarily unworthy young lover at a Terracotta Warriors rehearsal remains the most baffling puzzle of all time.

In so many aspects of life, Moon Lee was too thoughtful and self-restrained.  Yet what she did in forsaking her family in favor of an illicit affair without a future was the ultimate lesson in deceit and malfeasance.  In order to mastermind such a cover-up of passion of such monstrous proportions, she had to not only convince herself that it was worthwhile but also she had to play act so convincingly that it would fool family, friends and all employees.  In the end when everything fell apart for Moon, I cannot fathom how she could rationalize the whole process to herself.  Adults, both men and women, have been known to self-destruct over misplaced romance and passion from the beginning of time.  So perhaps even I should no longer ponder the reasons why the “angelic” Moon Lee went astray.  In the long run, however, the person most damaged and the life most irreversibly altered belongs to her son from an earlier marriage, Aldo Chan.

Aldo was in every way the innocent victim in the soap opera of family scandals that surrounded him in his early life.  Before he uttered his first cry, his mother was aware that her then pilot husband was carrying on an affair with a flight attendant.  Named after a Canadian shoe retailer, Aldo’s parents separated while he was a neonate.  Moon Lee met me when Aldo was nearly three years old, and in the year 2000, they started a new life based in the United States, located at a fabulous estate in magnificent Denver, Colorado.  For a youngster transplanted from Hong Kong, this was a future without parallel.  The upbringing and the educational opportunities afforded to Aldo were without bounds, especially considering the high academic credentials and standards of everyone in the Law family.  Yet, starting in the summer of 2004, Aldo’s mother had put into motion dark and perverse forces that would forever Aldo life for evermore.  Through absolutely no fault of his own, Aldo’s new and happy family life in America would come to beginnings of a crashing end by late 2006.  Since his mother is too ashamed to be in Hong Kong and too financially indisposed to reside in the United States, I believe Aldo now lives with Moon in Macau.  I suppose there can be a worse place to grow up in the world, but nobody sane would truly believe that Macau is the ultimate land of opportunity for a youngster of today. 

In the entire course of my life with Moon Lee, I am not regretful of her scandalous misconduct --- after all, my family life now without her is much better than what it could have been with her!  But I am truly sorry that the disruption of my then marriage made it impossible for me to provide for Aldo in a way that I promised him at one time --- to give him easy access to a successful life in the new world.  Even in the process of divorce, his mother’s indecent actions and outright lies made it impossible to keep her notorious behavior confidential.  So Aldo was truly the innocent victim amidst this scandalous real-life tale of the now famous “Closet Affair” – a forced and unwilling accomplice of a world famous errant mother!  The clock cannot be turned back, and history cannot be rewritten.  Being human, our destiny is a function of our actions.

For me, it seems amazing that Dr. Law’s most significant regret was not the betrayal by his attractive, movie star wife.  His focus on the wasted opportunities in life for his ex-stepson is both convincing and moving for me as his family publicist.  The philosophical conclusion that indeed we are all personally responsible for our ultimate destiny and legacy is truly meaningful.

Natalia Khan Daniel     


Monday, February 17, 2014

Moon Lee – the most colorful sex scandal in Chinese entertainment history

Pictured above:  Moon Lee with her unlikely teenage lover-boy Zong Tianyi, 2004

The more I study the Moon Lee sexual misconduct that lead to her divorce and downfall, the more I am fascinated by all the interpretations and implications, especially among the Chinese. Even though Moon makes the “top-ten” list of sexual improprieties in most writings by Chinese pundits, her ranking can vary remarkably depending on the observer. Yet Moon’s illicit affair was so bizarre and absurd that it should have guaranteed her the number one spot if only the other sinners were not more famous as entertainers. She has been out of the celebrity limelight for so long: that is why her spectacular “closet affair” would be often eclipsed by lesser transgressions of other more famous stars.

Most of the sexual misconduct attributable to Chinese celebrities was easily understandable based on actions arising out of normal sexual appetites. But Moon Lee’s actions and choices were emphatically incomprehensible: a) she was sexually attracted to a boy who was still a teenager and twenty-two years younger; b) the boy also became her adopted son which added an incestuous component; c) the boy was unattractive by standards of his contemporaries, as well as impoverished and uneducated; d) Moon was de facto this boy’s employer thereby constituting “sexual abuse” in the workplace; e) the affair was not an impulsive “one night stand” but rather a determined choice, lasting two years before it was interrupted by accidental discovery.

Can there be any salvation from the above notorious bad choices? How did the beloved “angel” of Hong Kong action films reach so low while being married and mother to two children? Since her divorce, this once darling of kung fu films has revealed absolutely nothing except for blog articles about her hobbies involving cooking and travel. As I studied her past successes and her more recent failures as a third party observer, even though I am inclined to hate her for extraordinary foolishness, I cannot avoid feeling sorry for her. American celebrities have lost their lives over foolishness with serious drugs, but that finality of death avoids the transgressor facing indefinite shame and mockery. Regardless of very public denials, poor Moon Lee knows exactly what happened to her life. She can hide the truth from certain fans, but she cannot hide from herself. I believe this will gnaw at her in the worst way for the rest of her life. And for this heartache, there is no cure! Indeed, this is real tragedy!

Natalia Khan Daniel