Thursday, May 23, 2024

With Moon Lee far in hindsight, life is a wondrous thing!

April 2024 at nephew's wedding in Mexico City

The constant drip of visitors to my old blog on Moon Lee reveals the curious and continued interest in her scandalous affair so far in the distant past.  While the magnitude and the nature of her sexual transgression could not be understated or underestimated, I am always surprised (when I rarely check this site) that someone remains curious after such a long time.

Alyssa and I have long forgotten her silly actions.  As life has become so filled with happiness and satisfaction, we can even believe we have totally forgiven "her".  After all, without her mindless betrayal, we may not have what we have today.  Life is certainly full of mystery and surprises.  A presumed tragedy can lead to unexpected rewards and celebration.

Anyone interested in my life after Moon Lee can check my websites and   There is noting to hide as these are a matter of public record.  What happened between Moon Lee and me is now significant history.   I do not know nor care how she feels about the past.   My family and I feel no shame or regret, only great relief.  A useful life's lesson is that any relationship with a celebrity, worthy or not, is indeed a treacherous choice, and is one that we are hellbent never to repeat!

Dennis Law MD

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Time has not dimmed the crazed interest in Moon Lee

Time has not dimmed the crazed interest in Moon Lee


Twenty-five years after the start of Moon Lee’s history-making “incestuous” sexual misconduct and scandal, the silly blog that I built and occasionally visit for comic relief still gets nearly a thousand visits each month.  This relentless interest has nothing to do with my writings; instead, it is a pure reflection of how this pretty Chinese idol of years past still captures the interest of her fans both young and old.  Of course, the dramatic and rare nature of her sexual transgression added fuel to the fire, never to be put out by the tincture of time.


My biggest comic relief is derived from reading the rare comments from readers, both pro and con.  Of course, those that sympathized with my recollection of truth and facts impacts me very little --- I knew what the facts were, and I was never concerned about who was on “my” side.  It takes a lot of crazy and wildly disparate opinions to make up our world.  But for the few that wrote and blamed Moon’s misconduct on my sexual transgression, they have the right to make idiotic statements but they have surely lost their way. 


Prior to my sudden and shocking discovery of her perverse betrayal, I believed I had married the prettiest girl in Hong Kong films who at all times acted like an affectionate and doting wife.  Life then seemed too fulfilling for a smart guy like me to be looking for a “side-kick” girlfriend of any caliber.  But once her idiotic 2 year-long sexual misconduct was discovered, all bets were off because she spent the next four years trying to rob me of my inherited wealth.  The divorce took over four years to finalize even though the process was based on “no-fault laws”.  Moon Lee took years to tell the lie that I made up the scandal to get advantages in the divorce settlement – a seemingly believable story to Chinese fans, but it is implausible to any sensible American.  In the end, Moon got almost nothing in the final divorce decree, not because she betrayed her marriage spectacularly, but because we as a married couple earned little money producing dance musicals as non-profit ventures for the express purpose of cultural exchange.  During those years, I gathered a large amount of tax deductions because of my cultural contribution to humanity.  During the entire ordeal, there was no incentive or motive for me to tell a big and crazy 'lie" about Moon Lee!


I write occasionally about history past not to continue to hurt her feelings, as some would believe.  My wife and I are not seeking revenge either.  Our life after Moon Lee has been so fulfilling and happy that we are almost sinfully thankful for her transgression that led us coming together.  So, any comments that I may commit to “paper” and to cyberspace are purely for the purpose of “keeping the record straight”.  Even if all this shall be read by only a tiny few, leaving a record of truth is cathartic for me.  And of someone hates me for doing it, so be it.  


In my book, Two Faces of the Moon, is available for very little money online.  All occurrences therein are one hundred percent factual.  If anyone chooses to dispute facts, the problem is theirs alone.


Dennis Law MD

February 2024




Friday, November 10, 2023

20 years later - a retrospective

20 years later - a retrospective

It has been about twenty years since Moon Lee embarked on her treacherous journey of betrayal of her then marriage in a history-making fashion.  This passage of time revealed a long record of both believers and non-believers of my side of actual events.  In retrospect, this does not matter to me.  I revealed the truth only to set the record straight because Moon chose to tell lies to hide her shame.  Only ignorant people will believe otherwise because I had no reason to say anything that was not the awkward truth.  

I cannot be bothered about how Moon Lee is doing now.  The utter shame she must have felt should have caused her great stress since her scandalous divorce; that was indeed the reason for her lies to cover up this momentous disgrace.  I can only revel in my own happiness since I got rid of the scourge of her relationship.  I do not regret meeting her but I do regret what she turned out to be.   But that is all in the past; my new beginning had given rise to a glorious new dawn of life.

My family life and professional life have never been better.  See and  My wife Alyssa is the joy of the Law family and enjoys its bountiful benefits.  My daughter has graduated from one of the best technology colleges and is now independently working as a software engineer.  In addition to my traditional commercial real estate business since my retirement from surgery,  I own interesting hospitality businesses: and   My recent musical theater production, see, was a success beyond the wildest imagination.

                                                        Family photo from last Christmas


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Two Faces of the Moon --- the eBook about Moon Lee that unveils her mystery

Ever since I unveiled the Moon Lee blog on Google in order to satisfy the insatiable curiosity about Moon’s dramatic fall from grace, I have often been asked questions by friends, acquaintances and unknown readers that have no simple answers.  I published a book entitled Two Faces of the Moon in Hong Kong during the lengthy divorce in order to document facts and truth behind the notorious scandal of the times as well as providing a deeper insight into a profoundly unusual series of events in a Chinese family.

Any reader with curiosity about this history-making marital misconduct can read Two Faces of the Moon as an eBook through  Not only does this book reveal all the truths behind this spectacular and perverted extra-marital affair of unworldly proportions but also it provides a rare insight as to how these sexually aberrant actions are viewed and handled in a Chinese cultural setting.

Eighteen years have passed since I discovered her betrayal in dramatic fashion which led to one of the most protracted divorces I have ever heard of in my life.  All these years later, the end result is that my new life with my wife, Alyssa Wang, whose was the target of Moon’s cowardly lies, could never have been better while the once infamous Moon Lee has fizzled into oblivion.  Alyssa, who was once furious about Moon for her defamation, now giggles and thanks her for her scandalous actions.  Our successes financially, socially and culturally are legendary in our community.  Despite her misdeeds and betrayal, we somehow pity Moon Lee for what she must have become.  As before, we are sure she would continue to “keep a stiff upper lip” in public, but it is hard to believe she can reestablish any decent family life --- only a real “nutcase” of a man would marry someone with such a history of sexual and financial deceit.

Dennis Law MD

Monday, October 26, 2020

Defamation Lawsuit Squashed by Chinese Court


Several years after its filing, our defamation lawsuit against Phoenix TV was squashed by the Chinese Court in Beijing.  The Court essentially refused to litigate whether Phoenix TV was right or wrong in allowing Moon Lee to tell obvious lies on television.  They dodged the issue as expected because it is common place for Chinese courts to protect everything Chinese!  I was an outsider, and Phoenix TV is a Chinese-authorized media outlet.

But my original purpose was satisfied.  I never sued for monetary damaged; only asked for an apology.  Even without getting one that I did not really expect, the suit served to keep alive the narrative of Moon Lee’s idiotic sex scandal.  

In many ways, my wife and I feel no sadness or pleasure running into matters related to Moon Lee.  She did the craziest thing, but it could not have led to a much better result for me.  We do not have to make efforts to “make her pay”; there is no need for any sort of revenge.  She cannot possibly be doing well (at least compared to us), and it is all her own doing.  Neither of us can or should look back.  

The Moon Lee story should set a meaningful example of how one should be clear-headed about love and romance.  There are far too many traps and temptations that can send one to a living hell without means to return.  Buyers beware!  

Friday, June 19, 2020

Drowned in a pig’s cage for a wife’s extramarital sex offense

If it had occurred over a hundred years ago in China, Moon Lee could have been drowned in a pig’s cage as punishment for her mindless affair.  A graphic artist employee of mine made this image up for me as a joking gift years ago --- depicting Moon in a cage surrounded by water with the words “Drowning Phoenix in Cage” (Moon’s Chinese name includes the word for phoenix).  Everyone had a good laugh at Moon Lee’s expense.

Of course, Moon Lee was much luckier, having been born in 1965.  Instead of a fate involving a tortuous drowning, American society in the twenty-first century deals with divorce in a “No Fault” fashion.  As such, it does not matter how egregious the sexual misconduct was that lead to the divorce.  The terms of the divorce have no relationship to fault.  That is why it was comically stupid that some in the Chinese media actually believed Moon’s lies that I made up the story of her incestuous secret love affair with an unworthy kid barely old enough not to be a minor.  Of course, no self-deprecating lie was necessary.  My assets were well protected by carefully constructed Trusts so that they could not be accessed in any kind of a divorce.  That alone was the reason why Moon Lee got very little during that protracted divorce.  The reasons she still tried (albeit unsuccessful) made her even a bigger villain than her original sin.  That is the backbone to my truthful account of the real story of the divorce.  I had absolutely no reason to insult myself with a lie to get rid of this villainous woman.

Moon Lee undeserved celebrity status also gave her advantages --- she had a “megaphone” with reporters to tell lies, lies that would never have passed scrutiny if she were just a normal woman.  That was why years after the fact, she was given that one-sided interview by Phoenix TV --- an interview that Phoenix TV admitted in writing to the Court that they were not intentionally defaming me because they never had any intent to portray the truth.  Phoenix TV just wanted sensational gossip for viewership.  So that was a “relief”!

So in the Old World, a straying wife could be drowned in China.  In modern China, however, a deviant sexually promiscuous wife can be even glorified by the media and given opportunities to lie more about her victimized ex-husband.  

I wonder whether we are living in more enlightened times! 

Dennis Law MD 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Moon Lee Sex Scandal of 2006 – A very Chinese story with Chinese results

Only a Chinese sex scandal can have these very Chinese results!  They just love their movie screen idols and their gossip stories without end.

As great as life has been for my wife and me over the last ten years, we had long forgotten about the comically silly Moon Lee sex scandal that lead us to be where we were at.  We were enjoying the “good life”, knowing with certainty that Moon would be suffering from self-deprecation, forced isolation and denial.  It shocked me to learn that Phoenix TV, Hong Kong, through their Shanghai affiliate, offered her a two-hour interview with rapidly declining television journalist/personality, Ms. Lu Yu.

As expected, the TV interview allowed Moon Lee the unchallenged opportunity to lie about her divorce.  Everything Moon Lee said about me, her ex-husband, and my wife was false; we all knew she had a real need to deny the truth.  We expected as much and was not interested in joining in a debate in public about the matter.  We knew that most sensible people in the world knew the truth anyway because Moon’s version does not pass the “common sense” test.

However, a close friend who is also an excellent attorney persuaded me to file a suit against HK Phoenix TV because she felt that they had caused harm by defamation in accordance with China laws.  I had long realized that libel, slander and defamation charges are not possible between husband and wives according to US laws.  So the premise was not to sue Moon for public lying (because I did not believe that I could be damaged by her silly lies that only the dumb and dumber would believe) but rather to do something to create hardship for Phoenix TV for being so prejudicially one-sided in the re-telling of such a societal tale of passion gone wild.  So I agreed to spend some money and let the attorneys deal with the grief of suing a foreign media company doing business in China.

It took years to end up in Court that concluded recently.  As the plaintiff, we technically lost in the verdict because our two main demands were not supported by the judge --- admittedly, I believe to be the right verdict according to US law.  I asked Phoenix TV to pull the televised episodes so the public cannot see it and also asked for an apology.  Yet, the TV company and producers had long ago pulled the two TV episodes off the market already.  I did not get the apology because the judge correctly claimed that Phoenix TV had admitted in Court documents that their production was all for audience viewership and numbers rating and had not claimed any reliance on the truth.  They just published whatever the interviewee said just for viewership and controversy, and therefore owes no one an apology for not being factual.  All that I must totally agree with!  If the infamous program hosted by Ms. Lu Yu is nothing but admittedly a gossip presentation, then a new truth has been established.  That is all I can wish for!  Now I know and everyone in China should know too.

Here is my perpetual message for Moon Lee as she continues to live a life of pretense:
Thank you for your scandalous sexual misconduct that left you “in the dust” and led me to a new and gratifying life.  I was much less angered by your ridiculous sexual misconduct than in your unsuccessful and dishonest attempts to get rich quickly through divorce.  In loving you, I was fooled by your acting; in leaving you, I found out easily that you never had the substance and character to stick with a family that is highly-educated, financially secure and well respected.

Dennis Law MD